Free Bubbles on Evony - A Guide for New Players
Welcome to the Free Bubbles on Evony guide, designed especially for new players who want to protect their city without spending real money. These lessons are tailored for free-to-play players, but even if you spend money in the game, you’ll still find these strategies valuable.
If you're unsure what a bubble (Truce Agreement) is or why it's essential for protecting your city, be sure to check out this detailed guide on Truce Agreements. Understanding how and when to use bubbles can save your progress and resources, especially during PvP events.
Many players complain that bubbles (Truce Agreements) are too expensive, but when Killing Events (KE) come, they get attacked and lose all their hard work. Follow the steps below, and you’ll no longer have to worry about being unprotected!
How to Get Free Bubbles in Evony
- Save Your Gems: If you have under 5,000 gems, stop spending them! Only use gems as described in this guide to maximize your resources.
- Daily Shrine Donations: Every day, go to the Shrine in front of your castle and donate 175 gems once per day. This will cost you 1,225 gems per week.
- Weekly Rewards: After one full week of daily Shrine donations, your Daily Rewards will reach the second level. At this level, you will receive 2,500 gems per week (500 gems on Day 1 and 2,000 gems on Day 7) as well as a free 24-hour bubble on Day 6. These rewards reset weekly.
- Buying a 3-Day Bubble: Use the 2,500 gems from your weekly rewards to buy a 3-day bubble. If you can wait for the Friday Shopping Spree, you can purchase a 3-day bubble from the third reward window for just 1,750 gems, saving 750 gems.
- Alliance Science Donations: Contribute resources to your Alliance Science daily. Each donation earns points, and once you reach 100,000 points, you can exchange them for a 3-day bubble. Aim to donate 15,000 points worth of resources per day—this is easily achievable! A dedicated alliance member donates multiple times a day, which not only benefits their own progress but also strengthens the entire alliance.
Tips for Killing Events (KE)
During KE, you’ll typically need both a 3-day bubble and a 1-day bubble. Here’s a suggested strategy:
- Activate your 3-day bubble right before KE begins (during stage 5 of the Monarch Competition), which starts at 07:00 server time.
- Renew your protection by applying a 1-day bubble at the end of the third day. You can also reverse this strategy by starting with a 1-day bubble followed by a 3-day bubble.
Checking Event Stage and Server Time
- To check the current stage of the Monarch Competition: Go to Event Center > Monarch Competition.
- To check server time: Tap the three dots menu (...) > Settings. The server time will be displayed at the top of the screen.
By following these steps, you'll always have a bubble ready and protect your city from attacks, especially during Killing Events. Stay safe and play smart!