Enthrallio Alliance
Tips to Master Evony

Guide to Relics in Evony

Relics in Evony are special locations on the map that provide valuable rewards like resources, materials, and items when explored. Exploring relics can significantly boost your growth and provide your alliance with substantial benefits. This guide will explain how to open, abandon, and compose relics, the different types of relics, and the proper etiquette for exploring them.

Why Do We Explore Relics?

While relics offer valuable resources like Ore, Food, Stone, and Lumber, the primary reason to explore them is to obtain general fragments. Exploring relics provides access to a variety of items, as shown in the image below (or to the right on PC). Although there are many items, two are particularly important:

  1. Slate Fragments: These allow you to open a slate, where you select three prizes and "hunt" for them by clicking on grid squares. You open these squares using "Brick Hammers."
  2. Brick Hammers: These are used to unlock brick tiles on the slate, granting access to the selected prizes.

Opening slates is the best way to acquire general fragments. It's easy to leave troops exploring a relic while offline, and opening slates helps you access powerful generals like Roland, Elektra, Queen Boudica, Aski Muhammed, and various duty generals.

Before diving into the details of relic exploration, let's go over the important things you need to know to explore relics safely and avoid conflicts with other players and alliances:

Did you know? When you occupy a relic (whether you created it or not), it appears as an "Ally Relic" to your alliance members. This allows them to assist you in exploring the relic quickly.
! Warning ! If you occupy a relic created by another alliance's player, your alliance members may mistakenly think it belongs to you and join in. This can lead to conflicts, so be mindful of which relics you occupy.

Relics - Things to Avoid

  1. Avoid occupying relics that you randomly find on the map. These might have been created by another player who may retaliate if they believe you stole their relic.
  2. Avoid entering relics that are already being explored. Doing so counts as an attack. You can check if a relic is occupied by clicking on it and seeing the name of the player exploring it. For example this image shows a relic occupied by the [ENT] alliance will display "Mysterious Relic [ENT]".
  3. Avoid opening level 1-5 relics. Composing relics into a "Mysterious Relic" provides better rewards, so it's preferable to wait until you can open one of those.

Relics - Good Practices

  1. ✅ Occupy relics that you summon yourself.
  2. ✅ Abandon relics that are far away from your alliance. This is a personal preference, but exploring closer relics allows your alliance members to assist more easily and complete their own tasks simultaneously.

How to Open a Relic

To open a relic, you need a Treasure Map, which can be obtained from killing monsters or through certain events. Once you have a map:

  1. Use the Treasure Map: In your inventory, find the map and use it. This will place a relic on the map in a random location near your city.
  2. Explore the Relic: After opening a relic, you and your alliance members can send troops to explore it. The more troops you send, the faster the exploration will be completed, and the better your rewards will be.
  3. Set Rally Points: It’s a good idea to coordinate with your alliance and send as many members as possible to explore the relic. The more players you have exploring, the faster you will gather rewards.

How to Abandon a Relic

If you want to stop exploring a relic before it's fully explored or if it’s no longer beneficial, you can abandon it:

  1. Select the Relic: Find the relic on the map that your troops are exploring.
  2. Abandon the Relic: Click on the relic and select "return". This will recall your troops from the exploration and leave the relic for others to explore.


  1. Access the Three Dots Menu: Tap on the three dots to open the shortcut menu in Evony.
  2. Select "Relics": This will open your Relic Menu or "Exploration Log." In this menu, you can use fragments and hammers to claim special rewards from your relic explorations. You can also view the potential rewards of a relic, check the rewards you've earned so far, and choose to abandon a relic if needed.
  3. Abandoning a Relic: To abandon a relic, click on it and choose the abandon option. This will recall your troops, freeing the relic for others to explore.

Types of Relics

There are different types of relics in Evony, and they offer varying levels of rewards based on their type and the number of players exploring them. The most common relics are standard relics opened with a regular treasure map, but during special events, there may be higher-tier relics with better rewards. Always check the type of relic you're exploring for maximum efficiency.

Types of Relics in Evony, Points, Time to Complete and Minimum Keep Requirements

In addition to standard relics, you may come across Pyramid relics during special events. These relics take less time to explore, and the goal is for you and your alliance to explore as many as possible. However, this can lead to conflicts with other alliances, so always check that no one else is marching toward the Pyramid relic before you start exploring. If possible, teleport close to the relic or use speedups to reach it faster.

Types of Pyramid Relics in Evony, Points and Maximum Time to Complete
Pyramid Relic Level Points Time
Lv1 340K 5 min
Lv2 480K 10 min
Lv3 650K 15 min
Lv4 860K 20 min
Lv5 1.3M 25 min

How to Compose Relics

Relic composition involves combining pieces of treasure maps to create a full map and open a relic. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Collect Treasure Map Fragments: These fragments can be obtained by defeating bosses or participating in events. You will need a set number of fragments to compose a full map.
  2. Go to the Inventory: Once you have enough fragments, go to your inventory and select the option to Compose the map.
  3. Use the Map: After composing the map, follow the same steps to open and explore the relic.

Relic Etiquette and Rules

When exploring relics, it’s important to follow certain etiquette to maintain good relationships with other players and alliances:

  • Do Not Explore Relics Opened by Another Alliance: If a relic has already been opened by another alliance, refrain from sending your troops there. This is seen as disrespectful and could lead to conflict.
  • Check for Travel Lines: If you see travel lines from another player approaching a relic, do not try to explore it. It means another player has already claimed the relic.
  • Respect Relic Ownership: Always respect relics that are already being explored. Wait until they are abandoned or fully explored before sending your troops.

Tips for Exploring Relics Quickly

To maximize your rewards and efficiency when exploring relics, follow these tips:

  1. Send More Troops: The more troops you send to a relic, the faster you’ll complete the exploration. Prioritize sending large armies for quicker results.
  2. Get Your Alliance Involved: Relic exploration goes faster when multiple players are involved. Coordinate with your alliance to send as many members as possible to the relic.
  3. Use Speedups: In some cases, using troop march speedups can help you reach a relic faster, especially if other players are nearby and might attempt to explore it first.
  4. Explore Nearby Relics: Focus on relics near your city or your alliance’s territory to minimize travel time and maximize exploration efficiency.
  5. Explore Alliance Relics: Request your R5 or R4 to spawn a relic, or open one yourself. Once the relic is active, share its location in the Alliance chat to inform all members that the relic is available for the entire alliance to explore.

How Alliance Participation Helps

The more alliance members exploring a relic, the faster the rewards will be collected. By coordinating relic exploration as a team, your alliance can quickly gather a substantial amount of resources, boosting your collective growth. Encouraging alliance-wide participation in relic exploration is one of the most efficient ways to increase your overall power and resources.

In addition to the standard rewards, when any relic owned by your alliance reaches zero Exploration Points, you'll receive an extra reward in the form of a Relic Alliance Package.


Relics are a powerful tool for resource gathering and obtaining valuable items in Evony. By following the proper etiquette, coordinating with your alliance, and efficiently exploring relics, you can maximize the rewards you earn. Always be mindful of the rules when exploring relics, and ensure your alliance is involved for the best results. Happy exploring!