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Tips to Master Evony

Evony General Skills Tutorial: Avoiding Duplicate Skill Books for Main and Assistant Generals

When enhancing your generals in Evony with skill books, it’s critical to understand the interaction between your main general and assistant general. In this tutorial, we’ll explain why you should avoid using the same skill books for both generals and highlight how this impacts their effectiveness in combat.

Why You Shouldn't Use the Same Skill Books for Both Generals

When assigning skill books to your main and assistant generals, it’s important to ensure that they don’t have the same skill. If both generals are equipped with the same skill book, the skill from the assistant general will be grayed out and will not apply during battles. This means you’ll be missing out on valuable buffs that could have enhanced your overall combat strength.

For example, if your main general has a Mounted Troop Attack skill book, and your assistant general also has the same book, the assistant general’s skill will be inactive. To maximize the effectiveness of both generals, you need to diversify the skill books between them. This way, both generals can contribute unique buffs to your troops, increasing their combat efficiency.

Pairing Generals and Choosing Skills

We will discuss the strategy of choosing and pairing generals in greater detail later, but for now, remember this key rule: always assign complementary skills to your main and assistant generals. This ensures that both generals provide active buffs, maximizing their impact in battle.

General’s Main Skill Restriction

Another important factor when selecting skill books is to avoid choosing a skill that duplicates a general’s main skill. Some generals come with a specific main skill that provides strong buffs. If a general has a main skill that mirrors a skill book, you cannot apply the same skill book to them.

For example, King Arthur already has a Mounted Troop Attack skill as his main skill. This means you cannot add a Mounted Troop Attack skill book to him. Attempting to do so will result in an error or restriction because it would be redundant. You should instead focus on adding skills that complement his existing abilities, such as Mounted Troop HP or March Speed Increase.


When selecting skill books for your generals, it is crucial to avoid using the same skill on both the main and assistant generals. Doing so will render the assistant general’s skill ineffective. Additionally, be mindful of a general's main skill to avoid assigning duplicate skill books. By diversifying your skills and choosing complementary abilities, you’ll maximize your generals' potential and strengthen your troops in battle. We’ll explore more on general pairings and skill selection in future guides.

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