Enthrallio Alliance
Tips to Master Evony

How to Start Alliance Wars on Monsters in Evony

Starting an alliance war on a monster is one of the most rewarding activities in Evony, as it allows alliance members to work together to defeat powerful monsters and earn valuable rewards. However, there is a responsibility that comes with starting an alliance war: ensuring there is enough power to guarantee a win. This guide will help you understand how to start successful alliance wars on monsters, avoid mistakes, and protect your alliance members from unnecessary losses.

Responsibility When Starting Alliance Wars

When you initiate an alliance war on a monster, you are responsible for making sure that your alliance has enough combined power to guarantee a win. If the rally fails, it can result in significant losses and wounded troops for all participants, costing everyone valuable resources (RSS) to heal and recover.

If you are uncertain about your alliance’s strength against a particular monster, it’s essential to communicate with your alliance members in chat. Make sure everyone knows if there’s a risk involved in attacking the monster, especially if you’re unsure about your chances of winning.

Running a "Guaranteed Win" Alliance War

The safest way to start an alliance war on a monster is to ensure a "guaranteed win." To do this, you should first test your own ability to "solo" the monster.

!!! If you're not an R5 or R4 , you should only initiate alliance wars that you are 99% certain will result in a guaranteed win !!!

  • Soloing a Monster: Soloing means attacking a monster by yourself without the help of any alliance members. If you can solo a monster, it’s a strong indication that you can lead a successful alliance war against that monster.
  • If You Can’t Solo: If you’re unable to solo the monster, avoid starting an alliance war on it unless you are closely monitoring the total power of the members joining the attack. Be prepared to cancel the rally if the combined power isn’t sufficient to guarantee victory.

Failing to ensure enough power before starting an alliance war can lead to troop injuries and large resource costs for you and your alliance members, so it’s important to be cautious.

Process for Becoming Alliance War Compliant

To become a reliable leader in alliance wars, follow these steps to ensure you are "war-compliant" and capable of starting successful alliance wars:

  1. Improve Your Power: Continuously train troops, upgrade your generals, and research combat technologies. This increases your own strength, making you more capable of leading alliance wars.
  2. Practice Solo Attacks: Before initiating alliance wars, practice soloing lower-level monsters. Gradually work your way up as your power grows. This will give you a clear understanding of your capabilities.
  3. Coordinate with Allies: Before starting a war, communicate with your alliance in the chat to gauge their availability and readiness. Ensure that enough high-power players are willing to join the attack.
  4. Monitor Rally Progress: Once the war starts, monitor the rally closely to ensure enough members are joining. Be prepared to cancel the war if participation is low or the combined power is insufficient.

!! DO NOT !! Start a rally with insufficient power and then ignore it. If you start a rally, you take responsability. Clearly accidents do happen (and I have made plenty myself) but there is a difference between accident and continious neglect of responsability. Accepting wounded for yourself and taking risks with your own troops is fine - do that in solo attacks. Taking risks with your alliance members troops without their aggreement is unfair. Abuse of the Allaince War facility can result in players being removed from the alliance.

How to Start an Alliance War on a Monster

Follow these steps to start a successful alliance war:

  1. Select the Monster: Identify the monster on the world map that you want to attack.
  2. Initiate the Alliance War: Click on the monster and choose the "Alliance War" option. This will set up a rally that your alliance members can join.
  3. Monitor the Rally: Once the rally is active, pay close attention to the number of members joining and the total power being contributed to the attack.
  4. Check the Power: Compare the total rally power to the monster’s power to assess whether your alliance can win. If the total power is below what is needed, consider canceling the rally to avoid unnecessary losses.
  5. Communicate: Use the alliance chat to inform your members of the rally and encourage participation, especially from high-power players.

Checking the Power of an Alliance Attack

When your rally is forming, you can check the total power of all members contributing to the alliance war. This is done through the rally menu, where you can see:

  • Troop Contributions: The number and type of troops each member has sent to the rally.
  • Total Power: The combined attack power of all participating troops. Compare this number with the power of the monster to ensure it’s enough to guarantee a win.

If the combined power of your rally doesn’t meet the necessary threshold for the monster’s level, you should consider canceling the rally or asking more powerful members to join before it starts. Failing to reach sufficient power can result in a failed attack, with many troops being wounded and a significant cost to heal them.

Final Thoughts

Starting an alliance war on a monster is a great way to earn rewards and help your alliance grow stronger. However, it’s important to ensure that you and your alliance have enough power to guarantee a win. By practicing solo attacks, coordinating with your alliance, and carefully monitoring rally power, you can lead successful alliance wars and avoid costly mistakes.

Remember, every war you initiate affects your entire alliance. Be strategic, ensure enough strength, and communicate with your teammates to ensure victory and minimize risks. For more tips on leading alliance wars and becoming a stronger player, check out our other alliance guides and tutorials.