Enthrallio Alliance Structure and Role Guide in Evony
The Enthrallio Alliance has a well-defined structure in Evony to help manage the alliance efficiently and ensure all members have a clear path for progression. Each rank in the alliance comes with specific responsibilities and privileges. This guide will explain the different roles, what each rank can do, and how players can advance through the alliance.
Alliance Rank Names and Their Roles
In Enthrallio, the alliance rank names have been customized to reflect our unique structure:
- R5 = Monarch
- R4 = Lord
- R3 = General
- R2 = Colonel
- R1 = Fledgling
Below is an overview of each role and what they can do within the alliance:
R5: Monarch
The Monarch is the official leader of the Enthrallio Alliance. While this rank carries ultimate decision-making power, Enthrallio operates with a collaborative leadership structure where the Monarch works closely with the Lords (R4). Together, they make decisions and act on behalf of the alliance. The Monarch has full access to alliance management features, including:
- Declaring war and initiating alliance battles
- Promoting and demoting members
- Accepting and removing members from the alliance
- Managing alliance policies, diplomacy, and treaties
- Sending alliance-wide announcements and directives
R4: Lord
Lords share equal responsibility with the Monarch in making decisions and leading the alliance. Although technically a step below R5, in Enthrallio, the Lords are considered to have the same authority as the Monarch, and they act together for the benefit of the alliance. Lords can:
- Promote or demote members up to R3 (General)
- Help manage alliance resources and events
- Coordinate alliance activities such as rallies, wars, and defenses
- Provide strategic advice and leadership to the alliance
- Accept and remove members from the alliance
R3: General
Generals are members who have shown promise, leadership potential, or a strong interest in becoming Lords (R4). This role is a stepping stone to higher leadership positions. Generals often assist in organizing alliance activities and may be tasked with leading specific initiatives or providing support during alliance events. Their responsibilities include:
- Assisting in the coordination of rallies and events
- Helping with alliance growth by mentoring lower-ranked members
- Providing input on alliance decisions and strategies
R2: Colonel
Colonels are the core of the Enthrallio Alliance. After fulfilling two key requirements, members are promoted to Colonel:
- Changing their in-game name from the default "monarch_xxxx" to something unique
- Teleporting their fort inside or near the alliance's Radar (the blue box surrounding the alliance fort)
Once promoted to Colonel, members are fully integrated into the alliance’s structure and are expected to contribute to alliance events, research, and growth efforts. Colonels play a significant role in alliance defense and offensive efforts, particularly during major events.
R1: Fledgling
Fledglings are new or inactive members of the Enthrallio Alliance. When players first join the alliance, they remain at the Fledgling rank until they meet two requirements:
- Change their in-game name to something unique (not "monarch_xxxx")
- Teleport their city inside or close to the alliance Radar
Fledglings are encouraged to participate in alliance activities and work toward these goals in order to gain promotion to Colonel (R2) and take on more responsibilities within the alliance.
How to Progress Through the Ranks
Progressing through the ranks of the Enthrallio Alliance depends on a combination of factors, including activity level, contribution to alliance growth, and participation in events. Here are some general guidelines for advancement:
- From R1 to R2 (Fledgling to Colonel): Meet the two basic requirements of changing your name and teleporting your fort near the alliance Radar.
- From R2 to R3 (Colonel to General): Show consistent participation in alliance events, contribute to alliance research, and demonstrate leadership potential.
- From R3 to R4 (General to Lord): Take initiative in leading alliance efforts, provide strategic insights, and help manage key alliance events. This is a leadership position for those who are committed to the alliance’s success.
The Enthrallio Alliance’s structure is designed to promote growth, fairness, and collaboration. Whether you’re starting as a Fledgling or aspiring to become a Lord, each role within the alliance has a unique purpose and contributes to the overall success of Enthrallio. Work your way through the ranks by staying active, contributing to the alliance, and helping fellow members grow. Together, we will thrive and dominate in Evony!